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ARCHn - Archaeology Minor

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Program Title


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Degree Designation



Program Description

Minor effective prior to 2011


Requirements for the Minor (24 Credits)

I. Core (8 credits)

Complete all of the following:

  • course - Ancient Societies

  • course - Archaeological Method and Theory

NOTE: Anthropology Majors and Minors must select an additional course from II. Topics in Archaeology.

II. Topics in Archaeology (4 credits)

One regional or topical Archaeology, Classics, or Art History course emphasizing the analysis of the material record for prehistoric or historic synthesis, selected from the following:

  • course - Native Arts and Archaeology of Latin America OR course - Native Arts and Archaeology of Latin America

  • course - Archaeology of the Middle East: from Meroe to Baghdad

  • course - Regional Archaeology

  • course - Human Osteology

  • course - Archaeology and Sustainable Culture

  • course - Introduction to Museum Studies and Cultural Management OR course - Introduction to Museum Studies and Cultural Management

  • course - Survey of Art: Ancient and Medieval

  • course - The Art of Ancient Egypt: History and Modern Myth

  • course - Art and Architecture in London

  • course - Classical Mythology

  • course - History of Ancient Greece

  • course - History of Ancient Rome

  • course - Archaeology of Greece and Rome

  • course - Classical Civilization: Selected Topics

  • course - Society and Family in Ancient Greece and Rome

  • course - Classical Antiquity

III. Field and Laboratory Methods (8 credits)

Complete 8 credits selected from the following:

  • course - Archaeological Field Study OR

  • course - Archaeological Field Study

  • A course in archaeological field methods offered by Drew or another accredited university. See the Program Director for possible programs.

  • A course that treats methods and perspectives applicable to archaeological methods or data analysis selected from the following:

  • course - Independent Study in Anthropology

  • course - Human Osteology

  • course - Museum Studies and Cultural Management Practicum

  • course - Geographic Information Systems

  • course - Introduction to Environmental Geology

  • course - Internship Project

IV. Capstone (4 credits)

  • course - Selected Topics in Archaeological Method and Theory


Electives should be chosen in consultation with the Program Director. Additional courses offered irregularly may be applicable. Consult Archaeology course listings each semester.

Participation in a field project is encouraged, since relating ideas to practice is best accomplished in Archaeology through actual field research. A course in laboratory methods may be selected in place of a field course.

Independent study or honors research on appropriate projects may be applied to the Minor for up to 4 credits with the approval of the Program Director.

Students who declare an Anthropology Major and an Archaeology Minor must include among the courses selected for the Minor at least 8 credits of course work from a discipline other than Anthropology. No course other than course may be used to fulfill the requirements for both the Anthropology Major and the Archaeology Minor.