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Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy

Regularly enrolled college-classified students are expected to maintain full-time registration in the College (12 credits or more per semester).  Students carrying full-time registration averaging 16 credits per semester will normally complete the degree in four academic years (8 semesters); in no case may a full-time student expect to spend more than five years (10 semesters) earning the degree unless an exception to this rule is granted by the Committee on Academic Standing. Additionally, federal regulations require that Drew University establish minimum standards of academic progress for students receiving financial aid.  

In order to remain enrolled, as well as receive federal, state, or institutional financial aid, including Title IV and Higher Education Act (HEA) funds, at Drew University, students must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) toward their degree objective. These requirements apply to part-time as well as full-time students for all semesters of enrollment within an academic year, including those semesters for which no financial aid was granted. The Office of Academic Services and the Office of Financial Assistance conduct a review of SAP at the conclusion of each academic term once grades are posted in the university system.*

*During academic terms (Spring 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021) in which the P/LP/U grade mode policy is in effect, an accumulation of LP and U grades, instead of GPA, may be used to identify gaps in progress that suggest student performance is below minimum standards.