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Leave of Absence/Voluntary Withdraw

Students may opt to take a temporary leave from the university for any number of reasons including family emergency, financial distress, illness, and hardship. A student may leave for one or two semesters and return, or choose a different course of action. Before a request is submitted, students are advised to discuss their plans with their academic adviser and their financial aid counselor (as there may be potential financial implications). Students are expected to submit a Leave of Absence request before the drop with a W deadline for the term as published on Drew’s Academic Calendar. To proceed, students must complete the Leave of-Absence form, which is available through TreeHouse (Request a Leave of Absence or Voluntary Withdraw). Once submitted, the form will be sent to the Associate Provost for approval.

If a student’s circumstances necessitate withdrawal from all courses after the drop with a W deadline for the term, the student must submit a petition to the Academic Standing Committee with supporting documentation. Pending approval by the committee, the student will be placed on a Leave of Absence and subject to the Re-Entry Policy, found here.

A Leave of Absence is valid until the start of the semester of return indicated by the student on the request form.  Students who do not return from a leave of absence will be administratively withdrawn and will lose access to Drew email. Students seeking an extension to their leave of absence should discuss their intentions with the Associate Provost/Center for Academic Excellence and must submit a petition to the Academic Standing Committee.