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Data and Society: The Social Impact of Data and Digital Technology

Anthropology College of Liberal Arts

Course Subject Code


Course Number




Course Attributes

BSS: GenEd-Breadth/Social Science, EMMA: Major-Marketing Elective, MMAR: Major-Marketing, ENMA: Minor-Marketing Elective, NMAR: Minor-Marketing

Course Short Title

Data and Society

Course Long Title

Data and Society: The Social Impact of Data and Digital Technology

Course Description

How does contemporary digital technology shape what it means to be human? We often use digital gadgets – whether it’s computers, smartphones, or social media platforms – as neutral and objective tools that help us easily connect with friends, stay entertained, or remain informed. These systems, however, and the companies that create them, play a more complex role in social life than we often recognize. They influence how we understand ourselves, and as importantly, how others come to see and understand us. By examining how digital technology is used in different settings – private communication, policing, advertising, healthcare – students are invited to evaluate how digital technology and the personal data they produce variously shape, and are themselves shaped by, notions of race, gender, or social inequality.





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