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Banned Books: Russian Literature and Censorship

Arts & Letters Caspersen School of Graduate Studies

Course Subject Code


Course Number




Course Attributes

ENLW: Minor-Law/Jus/Society Elective, NLAW: Minor-Law

Course Short Title

Banned Books: Russian Lit

Course Long Title

Banned Books: Russian Literature and Censorship

Course Description

Studies Russian literary works of the 18th to 21st centuries (in English translation) in the context of the system of controls placed on the production of literature in the Imperial Russian, Soviet and post-Soviet periods. Examines the various mechanisms by which the Russian state, under various regimes, attempted to control the production and dissemination of literature by writers who did not support its ideological positions. The texts are examined for the ways in which writers used Aesopic language, allusions and other literary devices to subvert official ideology and offer alternative visions of Russian national identity. All of the fictional readings are previously "banned books."





Course Restrictions

Level: GD (I), GM (I), TM (I), TP (I),

Equivalent Course(s)
