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Photography II

Art College of Liberal Arts

Course Subject Code


Course Number




Course Attributes

BART: GenEd-Breadth/Arts, EMME: Major-Media and Comms Elective, MART: Major-Art, MMED: Major-Media and Communications, NART: Minor-Art, ENME: Minor-Media and Comms Elective, NFIL: Minor-Film, NMED: Minor-Media and Communications, NPHO: Minor-Photography

Course Short Title

Photography II

Course Long Title


Course Description

Explores intermediate techniques in contemporary photographic practice through the study and production of black and white images. Students will have an opportunity to respond to intermediate-level shooting assignments that encourage a deeper understanding of the medium and allow students to expand their own photographic production and sensibility. Studies the work of contemporary photographers and continues to build visual arts communication skills through discussion and critique. Course assignments and projects connect traditional processes and digital media and may incorporate film or digital cameras, darkroom techniques, scanning and/or printing. Students provide a camera, or may rent one from Drew, and may need to budget for additional materials.





Course Restrictions


Equivalent Course(s)
