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Visual Culture

Art History College of Liberal Arts

Course Subject Code


Course Number




Course Attributes

BART: GenEd-Breadth/Arts, BHUM: GenEd-Breadth/Humanities, CEA: ProgCLA-CEA and Au Pair, DVUS: GenEd-Diversity US, EMME: Major-Media and Comms Elective, ENCA: Minor-Creative Arts Elective, ENMA: Minor-Marketing Elective, ENME: Minor-Media and Comms Elective, MMED: Major-Media and Communications, NCAT: Minor-Creative Arts/Technology, NMAR: Minor-Marketing, NMED: Minor-Media and Communications, PPD: GenEd-Power/Privilege/Diff

Course Short Title

Visual Culture

Course Long Title


Course Description

Considers the design, technology, and meaning of the visual images that saturate our everyday lives. Visual images shape our experiences; they teach, inspire, communicate ideas, display identity, reinforce or disrupt power structures, and promote commerce. New visual technologies circulate these ideas on a global scale. Students will have an opportunity to develop critical engagement with the visual world, analyzing cultural and representational issues related to the self and community, such as power, surveillance, desire, the body, sexuality, and ethnicity. Includes study of paintings, prints, photographs, video, advertisements, digital media, urban design, and representational practices in medicine and science.





Course Restrictions


Equivalent Course(s)
