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American Art
Art History
College of Liberal Arts
Course Subject Code
Course Number
Course Attributes
BART: GenEd-Breadth/Arts, BHUM: GenEd-Breadth/Humanities, CEA: ProgCLA-CEA and Au Pair, DVUS: GenEd-Diversity US, EMAH: Major-Art History Elective, MARH: Major-Art History, PPD: GenEd-Power/Privilege/Diff, WRIT: GenEd-Writing Intensive, ENAM: Minor-American Stud Elective, NAME: Minor-American Studies
Course Short Title
American Art
Course Long Title
Course Description
Provides a chronological survey of American painting and sculpture produced between the colonial period and World War I and the diverse art historical methodologies (feminism, social history and psychoanalysis, for example) that have been employed to interpret it and write its histories. Some Native American material is also included. Works of art will be situated within their broad social historical contexts and considered in light of such topics as the "Americanness" of American art and the usefulness of studying art within individual national "schools"; the place of African-American and women artists in US art history; transnational exchange with Europe; the development and role of art institutions; the connections between American art and literature; and the relationship between art and national identity.
Course Restrictions
Equivalent Course(s)