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Biology Capstone: Seminar

Biology College of Liberal Arts

Course Subject Code


Course Number




Course Attributes

CAP: GenEd-Capstone, MBIB: Major-Biology BS, MBIO: Major-Biology BA

Course Short Title

Biology Capstone: Seminar

Course Long Title


Course Description

Building upon the foundation of knowledge acquired thus far, and applying knowledge gained and skills mastered, students will have the opportunity to examine core concepts and core competencies of the field of biology, as well as explore multiple current issues within the field. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: 1) demonstrate a working competency in the core concepts and competencies of biology; 2) show an understanding of the breadth and depth of the biological sciences; 3) exhibit scientific literacy through the ability to communicate effectively in the discourse of biology, the use of discipline-specific databases, and critical evaluation of scientific work; and 4) place their major field in relation to a broader context by understanding and making connections between biology and other disciplines.





Course Restrictions

Major: Biology (I), Biology (I), Department: BIOL (I), Class: 4 (I),

Equivalent Course(s)
