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American Literature Post-1900: Mapping the Anglo-American Literary Tradition

English College of Liberal Arts

Course Subject Code


Course Number




Course Attributes

BHUM: GenEd-Breadth/Humanities, CEA: ProgCLA-CEA and Au Pair, MECW: Major-English:CreativeWriting, MEWC: Major-English:Writing/Comms, ENEL: Minor-Engl:Literature Elective, NENL: Minor-English:Literature

Course Short Title

American Literature Post-1900

Course Long Title

American Literature Post-1900: Mapping the Anglo-American Literary Tradition

Course Description

Teaches students to think historically about literature in the US through tracing a set of key concepts such as author, reader, theme, form, culture, and intertextuality through an examination of representative texts from post-1900 American literatures. Topics may include naturalism, modernism, the Great Depression, the Harlem Renaissance, race, war, the Beat Generation, the Cold War, New Journalism, multiculturalism, civil rights, class, gender, sexuality, postmodernism, technology, ethics, immigration, and the US diaspora. Authors may include Anderson, Cather, Frost, Eliot, Fitzgerald, Steinbeck, Faulkner, Wright, Ellison, Hemingway, Hughes, Williams, Lowell, Miller, Morrison, Rich, Plath, DeLillo, and Pynchon.





Equivalent Course(s)
