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Sexuality and Gender in 19th-Century Literature and Culture
College of Liberal Arts
Course Subject Code
Course Number
Course Attributes
BHUM: GenEd-Breadth/Humanities, CEA: ProgCLA-CEA and Au Pair, DVIT: GenEd-Diversity International, MECW: Major-English:CreativeWriting, MENL: Major-English:Literature, MEWC: Major-English:Writing/Comms, PPD: GenEd-Power/Privilege/Diff, WRIT: GenEd-Writing Intensive, EMWO: Major-Women's/Gender Elective, ENEL: Minor-Engl:Literature Elective, NENL: Minor-English:Literature
Course Short Title
Sex/Gen in 19th Ct Lit Culure
Course Long Title
Sexuality and Gender in 19th-Century Literature and Culture
Course Description
Explores the complex and shifting understandings of gender and sexuality in the 19th-century through reading of the period’s novels, poetry, prose, theoretical texts, and visual images. May include topics such as the construction of heterosexuality and heterosexual marriage; marriage resistance and the ‘new women’; constructions of dominant and deviant masculinities and femininities; homosocial and homosexual love and panics; prostitution and the disciplining of female sexuality, suffrage and the campaigns for women’s autonomy; as well as the codes, narratives, and images through which these are represented. Also inquires how gender and sexuality have been deployed by 20th/ 21st century critics as lenses for reading the literature and culture of this period.
Course Restrictions
Equivalent Course(s)