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Introduction to Media Industries

English College of Liberal Arts

Course Subject Code


Course Number




Course Attributes

EMME: Major-Media and Comms Elective, ENBU: Minor-Business Elective, MEWC: Major-English:Writing/Comms, MMED: Major-Media and Communications, NBUS: Minor-Business, NYC: ProgCLA-New York City, OFFC: GenEd-Off Campus Experience, WRIT: GenEd-Writing Intensive, ENEW: Minor-Engl:Writ/Comms Elective, ENME: Minor-Media and Comms Elective, NEWC: Minor-English:Writing/Comms, NMED: Minor-Media and Communications

Course Short Title

Media Studies Introduction

Course Long Title

Introduction to Media Industries

Course Description

Offers students an introduction to the critical perspectives that are central to the analysis of communication industries, including print, broadcast, new media, film, and sound-based media. Provides students with the skills to explain how and why media institutions emerge, sustain themselves, grow into monopolies, shift content priorities, and interact with both consumers and their own labor force. Also looks at the financial, ethical and regulatory structures that guide these industries. Given the focus of the semester, particular attention may be paid to media companies based in New York City.





Course Restrictions

Class: 3 (I), 4 (I),

Equivalent Course(s)
