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Advanced GIS

Environmental Studies College of Liberal Arts

Course Subject Code


Course Number




Course Attributes

BINT: GenEd-Breadth/Interdisciplinar, CBL: ProgCLA-Community Based Learn, CE: ProgCLA-Civic Engagement, CEA: ProgCLA-CEA and Au Pair, EMES: Major-Environment Sci Elective, EMEV: Major-Env Stu/Sustain Elective, EMPU: Major-Public Health Elective, ENES: Minor-Environment Stu Elective, MENV: Major-Env Study/Sustainability, MEVS: Major-Environmental Science, MPUB: Major-Public Health, NENS: Minor-Environmental Studies, OFFC: GenEd-Off Campus Experience, QUAN: GenEd-Quantitative

Course Short Title

Advanced GIS

Course Long Title


Course Description

Expands on introductory GIS material by exploring topics in spatial statistics, programming, and multimedia. Research topics are studied within the context of team-based projects that support GIS analysis for community partners. Practices a problem solving approach that emphasizes the importance of communication within teams and between students and community partners. Students meet with partners at critical stages of the project, set project goals and objectives, present project results, and self-assess the strengths and weaknesses of the development process as well as the overall results. In order to link theory and practice, students are connected to community partners that work globally, nationally, and locally. Student coursework includes a minimum 18-20 hours of work that directly supports our community partners, which also involves participation in off-campus activities.





Course Restrictions


Equivalent Course(s)
