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Sustainable Development and the United Nations

Environmental Studies College of Liberal Arts

Course Subject Code


Course Number




Course Attributes

GLC: GenEd-Global Challenges, WRIT: GenEd-Writing Intensive

Course Short Title

Sustainable Development/the UN

Course Long Title

Sustainable Development and the United Nations

Course Description

Explores the concept of sustainable development, with an emphasis on the United Nations, and more broadly the importance of intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), in addressing global sustainability challenges. Examines how the UN defines sustainable development as encompassing a social, an environmental and an economic pillar. Begins by exploring in general terms how the UN understands the concept of sustainability, and then focuses on how various specialized UN agencies understand and incorporate sustainability concepts into their missions. Depending on student interest, may examine how sustainability intersects with the issues of natural resource management, agricultural and food systems, population growth, urban development, cultural heritage, innovation and education, health, gender, armed conflict, refugees and other topics. Addresses the future of IGOs and potential reforms to improve performance.





Number Of Repeats


Equivalent Course(s)
