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Contemporary Transnational Cinema

Interdepartmental College of Liberal Arts

Course Subject Code


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Course Attributes

BINT: GenEd-Breadth/Interdisciplinar, DVIT: GenEd-Diversity International, GLC: GenEd-Global Challenges, NFIL: Minor-Film, PPD: GenEd-Power/Privilege/Diff, WRIT: GenEd-Writing Intensive

Course Short Title

Contemp. Transnational Cinema

Course Long Title

Contemporary Transnational Cinema

Course Description

The films chosen for this class are contemporary examples of "transnational" cinema, i.e., cinema that finds reception and distribution beyond its country of origin. Growing global interconnectedness has resulted in the expansion of a transnational market and audience for films. By closely analyzing a range of contemporary films from Argentina, Brazil, China, Iran, India, Germany, Spain, South Africa, and the United States, students will explore how these films' narrative styles reinforce or challenge the form of cinematic storytelling popularized globally by Hollywood cinema. This class will train students to watch and write about films by placing them in cultural and historical context.





Course Restrictions


Equivalent Course(s)
