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History of the Modern Middle East
College of Liberal Arts
Course Subject Code
Course Number
Course Attributes
BHUM: GenEd-Breadth/Humanities, CEA: ProgCLA-CEA and Au Pair, DVIT: GenEd-Diversity International, EMRE: Major-Religion Elective, GLC: GenEd-Global Challenges, MREL: Major-Religion, ENMI: Minor-Middle East Stu Elective, ENRE: Minor-Religion Elective, NMID: Minor-Middle East Studies, NREL: Minor-Religion
Course Short Title
Hist. of the Mod. Middle East
Course Long Title
History of the Modern Middle East
Course Description
A survey of Middle East history in the 19th and 20th centuries. Topics may include the decline of Ottoman power and the Tanzimat reforms, the Eastern Question and European rivalry in the Mediterranean, the rise of nationalism in the region, the impact of the First and Second World Wars, the establishment of the state of Israel, the struggle for independence in the Arab world, the Arab-Israeli conflict, superpower rivalry in the Middle East during the Cold War, and the conflict between pan-Islamic forces and secular responses to the crisis of modernity. Offering to be determined.
Course Restrictions
Equivalent Course(s)