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Italy 360: Arts, Fashion, Food and Community-Based Learning

French and Italian College of Liberal Arts

Course Subject Code


Course Number




Course Attributes

BHUM: GenEd-Breadth/Humanities, BINT: GenEd-Breadth/Interdisciplinar, CBL: ProgCLA-Community Based Learn, CEA: ProgCLA-CEA and Au Pair, DVIT: GenEd-Diversity International, IMCE, IMMX: GenEd-Immersive Experience, MITA: Major-Italian, NITA: Minor-Italian, OFFC: GenEd-Off Campus Experience

Course Short Title

Italy 360

Course Long Title

Italy 360: Arts, Fashion, Food and Community-Based Learning

Course Description

A hands-on course that allows students to explore Italian history and culture through three of the major areas for which Italy is famous in the world: Arts, Fashion, and Food. Activities may include cooking classes, art workshops, fashion seminars, projects, cultural excursions and exchanges with native speakers, singing and a talent show. There may also be a Community-Based Learning component that will give students the possibility to interact with local volunteer organizations in order to increase their civic, cultural and linguistic understanding while contributing to the mission of the organizations.





Course Restrictions


Equivalent Course(s)
