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Sociolinguistic Theory and Method

Interdepartmental College of Liberal Arts

Course Subject Code


Course Number




Course Attributes

BSS: GenEd-Breadth/Social Science, CEA: ProgCLA-CEA and Au Pair, DVUS: GenEd-Diversity US, EMAN: Major-Anthropology Elective, MANT: Major-Anthropology, MITA: Major-Italian, ENAN: Minor-Anthropology Elective, NANT: Minor-Anthropology, NLIN: Minor-Linguistics

Course Short Title

Sociolinguistic Theory and Met

Course Long Title

Sociolinguistic Theory and Method

Course Description

Explores how language shapes the ways people communicate and how language forms social identities and influences group membership. Examines the cultural beliefs and ideologies embedded in language and how they inform the organization of society. May explore topics such as language and power, linguistic ideologies, language socialization, language and identity, linguistic variation, and linguistic ethnography. Puts linguist theory into practice through the exploration and application of theory from the fields of sociolinguistics and linguistic anthropology. Students will have the opportunity to learn the theory and method of linguistic research and collect original data for analysis.





Equivalent Course(s)
