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Documentary Practice
Media & Communications
College of Liberal Arts
Course Subject Code
Course Number
Course Attributes
BART: GenEd-Breadth/Arts, BINT: GenEd-Breadth/Interdisciplinar, MMED: Major-Media and Communications, NFIL: Minor-Film, NMED: Minor-Media and Communications, NMUS: Minor-Museum Stud/Cultr Mgmt, ENCA: Minor-Creative Arts Elective, NCAT: Minor-Creative Arts/Technology
Course Short Title
Documentary Practice
Course Long Title
Course Description
An exploration of contemporary documentary through both theory and practice. Students may conduct archival research and field work, learn how to interview subjects, and gain experience in interpreting and editing the material they gather into original text-based, oral and visual communication. While students are introduced to historical documentary traditions as well as contemporary methods, special focus may be given to new digital forms of representation and their impact on production, distribution, and consumption. Some fundamental questions this class may raise include: What is at stake in using documentary and non-fiction modes of representation? What is the role and function of documentary within contemporary society? What are the ethics of documentary production?
Course Restrictions
Equivalent Course(s)