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Principles of International Law
Political Science
College of Liberal Arts
Course Subject Code
Course Number
Course Attributes
BSS: GenEd-Breadth/Social Science, CEA: ProgCLA-CEA and Au Pair, EMPO: Major-Political Sci Elective, MINT: Major-International Relations, MPOL: Major-Political Science, ENLW: Minor-Law/Jus/Society Elective, ENPO: Minor-Political Sci Elective, NINT: Minor-International Relations, NLAW: Minor-Law, NPOL: Minor-Political Science
Course Short Title
Principle of International Law
Course Long Title
Principles of International Law
Course Description
Introduces students to the main principles, key texts and most famous cases of the international legal system. Aimed specifically at the liberal arts context, students approach these legal materials historically and geographically. The first half of the semester sets out the ramifications of the equal sovereignty of nation- states in this state-centered system. The second half explores the reach of these sovereign states into other states' territories, into the oceans, and the universe beyond. The tensions between this system of sovereignty and recent developments in international commercial, environmental and human rights law are a recurring theme of the course.
Course Restrictions
Equivalent Course(s)