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Stress and Coping

Psychology College of Liberal Arts

Course Subject Code


Course Number




Course Attributes

BSS: GenEd-Breadth/Social Science, EMPS: Major-Psychology Elective, EMPU: Major-Public Health Elective, ENPS: Minor-Psychology Elective, IMMX: GenEd-Immersive Experience, IMRC, MMAR: Major-Marketing, MPSY: Major-Psychology, MPUB: Major-Public Health, NPSY: Minor-Psychology

Course Short Title

Stress and Coping

Course Long Title


Course Description

Stress is the response, physical or emotional, to the changing demands of one’s environment. The experience of stress is not uncommon, and yet, the understanding of what stress is, what causes a person to feel stress, and how to cope with stress is often limited. Students will have the opportunity to explore the physiological and psychological experience of stress, focus on the experience and perception of stress in college students and others, and review adaptive and maladaptive methods of coping with stress. A significant portion of in-class time will be devoted to the acquisition and practice of a variety of stress management strategies and techniques.





Course Restrictions


Equivalent Course(s)
