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Sociology of Childhood and Youth

Sociology College of Liberal Arts

Course Subject Code


Course Number




Course Attributes

BSS: GenEd-Breadth/Social Science, CEA: ProgCLA-CEA and Au Pair, DVUS: GenEd-Diversity US, MSOC: Major-Sociology, NEDU: Minor-Education and Society, PPD: GenEd-Power/Privilege/Diff, ENAM: Minor-American Stud Elective, NAME: Minor-American Studies, NSOC: Minor-Sociology

Course Short Title

Childhood and Youth Studies

Course Long Title

Sociology of Childhood and Youth

Course Description

Childhood and Youth Studies is an interdisciplinary field that highlights the lived experiences and agency of children. It encompasses history, anthropology, literature, psychology, economics, sociology, technology and more. Childhood is framed, not just as a passing developmental phase, but a permanent part of social life with its own logic and societal function. Using the lens of the social construction of childhood, we explore changes in the meanings and rules of childhood within cultural, historical, political, legal, and institutional contexts. Focuses on exploring the differences and inequalities of childhood experiences globally but also examines some universal experiences such as play, lack of political representation and minimal enforcement of rights.





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