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World Christianity

Theology & Philosophy Theological School

Course Subject Code


Course Number




Course Attributes

EMRE: Major-Religion Elective, MREL: Major-Religion, ENRE: Minor-Religion Elective, NREL: Minor-Religion

Course Short Title

World Christianity

Course Long Title


Course Description

This course is an introduction to the global phenomenon of Christianity from a variety of perspectives, in particular, history, sociology, anthropology, and theology. It begins with Christianity in Europe and North America, and then follows the shift of gravity by turning to current developments in Africa, Central and Latin America, and Asia. Having surveyed extensively the major trends in these regions, the course will conclude with an in-depth study of Christologies in the global context. As a hybrid course, instruction and learning opportunities will be made available through both on-campus classroom and off-campus educational experiences (10 hours), which may include guest lectures, field trips, zoom meetings, online chats, films, or field interviews. There will be a concerted effort throughout the course to highlight the themes of indigenization, inculturation, or contextualization through the use of audio-visual media, especially the portraits of Jesus, architecture, and liturgy among others, to better understand myriad expressions of Christian faith and practices around the world.





Course Restrictions

Level: GD (I), GM (I), PD (I), PM (I), TM (I), TP (I),

Equivalent Course(s)
