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Introduction to World Literature

Interdepartmental College of Liberal Arts

Course Subject Code


Course Number




Course Attributes

BHUM: GenEd-Breadth/Humanities, CEA: ProgCLA-CEA and Au Pair, DVIT: GenEd-Diversity International, WRIT: GenEd-Writing Intensive

Course Short Title

Intro to World Literature

Course Long Title

Introduction to World Literature

Course Description

This course introduces students to the comparative study of works of literature from various cultures, read in English translation. We consider diversity of place, social context, politics, history, genre, tradition, and literary movements. We look at literature in relation to its original cultural context and also at the way books communicate to other cultures and to us. The works, cultures, and thematic emphasis will vary from year to year. The initial theme for 2008 and 2009 is "The Literary Journey in World Literature." This course will be team-taught with one or two primary instructors from different departments, with visits from instructors in other literary fields. Students may with permission read works in the original language.





Course Restrictions


Equivalent Course(s)
