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Introduction to Statistics

Mathematics & Computer Science College of Liberal Arts

Course Subject Code


Course Number




Course Attributes

CEA: ProgCLA-CEA and Au Pair, EMCR: Major-Cybersecurity Elective, ENAD: Minor-Arts Admin Elective, MACC: Major-Accounting, MBIB: Major-Biology BS, MBIO: Major-Biology BA, MBUS: Major-Business, MCOS: Major-Computer Science, MCYB: Major-Cybersecurity, MECO: Major-Economics, MEVS: Major-Environmental Science, MFIN: Major-Finance, MMAR: Major-Marketing, MMAT: Major-Mathematics, MNEU: Major-Neuroscience, MPSY: Major-Psychology, MPUB: Major-Public Health, MSOC: Major-Sociology, MSTA: Major-Statistics, NARD: Minor-Performing Arts Admin, NBUS: Minor-Business, QUAN: GenEd-Quantitative, NDAT: Minor-Data Science, NSTA: Minor-Statistics

Course Short Title

Introduction to Statistics

Course Long Title


Course Description

Introduces statistics needed for data analysis and to understand statistical content in the media. Uses a widely-used software application for statistics. May include graphical and tabular presentation of data, measures of central tendency, dispersion and shape, linear transformations of data, correlation, regression, basic probability and the normal probability model, sampling, hypothesis testing t-tests, and one-way analysis of variance.





Course Restrictions

Degree: Bachelor of Arts (I), Bachelor of Science (I), Master of Science (I), Non-Degree Seeking (I),

Equivalent Course(s)
