RLGN - Religion Major
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Program Description
Effective: Fall 2020
Requirements for the Major (38-44 credits)
I. Required Courses (14-16 credits)
Complete all of the following:
course - Introduction to World Religions
course - Cultural Diversity: Cultural Anthropology and Linguistics OR course - Introduction to Ethics
course - Religion in Conversation
course - Capstone Independent Study in Comparative Religion OR course - Specialized Honors I
II. Experiential Learning (0-4 credits)
course - Internship Project
Other experiential learning opportunities, such as Community-Based Learning courses, may be substituted in consultation with the adviser.
III. Electives (24 credits)
Students must distribute their electives among the four areas below, choosing at least one course from each area. Only one elective course may be at the introductory-level, and at least three of the courses chosen must be at the upper-level.
In these courses, students analyze religion and historical change toward understanding how our world came to be the way it is today.
course - Greek and Roman Religions
course - The Jewish Experience: An Introduction to Judaism
course - Introduction to Islam
course - Selected Topics in the History of Religions
course - History of the Islamic Middle East, 600-1800
course - History of the Modern Middle East
course - lntroduction to South Asia in Modern History
course - lntroduction to East Asia in Modern History
course - History of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
course - Forms of Humanism: Renaissance to Enlightenment
course - World Christianity (Theological School)
Media, Art, and Music
In these courses, students analyze the presence and influence of religion in various modes of artistic expression and media.
course - Classical Mythology
course - Native Arts and Archaeology of Latin America
course - Islamic Art
course - Medieval Art
course - Italian Renaissance Art
course - Baroque and Rococo Art
course - Spirituality, Gender and the Media
course - History of African-American Church Music (Theological School)
course - Music of the World’s Religions (Theological School)
course - Bible and Film (Theological School)
Identity, Culture, and Power
In these courses, students examine diverse ways religion informs identity and ways in which it interrelates with other modes of identity in the negotiations of values, practices, and power.
course - Anthropology of Religion
course - Native North American Cultures
course - Society and Social Change in Sub-Saharan Africa
course - Muslims and the West
course - Sociology of Religion
course - Women in Asian Traditions
course - Global Women’s History
course - Ethics and Society
course - Transnational Feminisms
course - Religion and Society (Theological School)
course - Religions and Food: Feast, Fast, Farming and Famine (Theological School)
course - The Search for the Good Community (Theological School)
course - Faith Communities and Gender Violence (Theological School)
Philosophy, Theology, and Ethics
In these courses, students analyze theological and philosophical thought and the intellectual foundations of ethical order and religious practices.
course - Classical Morality & Religious Ethics From Plato to Machiavelli
course - Utopia and Dystopia
course - Mindfulness: History and Practice
course - Introduction to Philosophy
course - Introduction to Ethics
course - Philosophy of Religion
course - The Shattering of Reason: From Hegel to Nietzsche
course - Business Ethics
course - Bio-Medical Ethics
course - Systematic Theology (Theological School)
course - Confucian and Taoist Religious Thought (Theological School)
course - Biblical Literature I: Torah, Prophets, Writings (Theological School)
course - Biblical Literature II: Gospels, Epistles, Apocalypse (Theological School)
course - World Wisdom for Conflict Resolution (Theological School)