Dual Degree: Drew University - Teaching - Dual Degree Drew University Bachelor's/MAT
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Program Title
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Degree Designation
Program Description
BA or BS/MAT (4+1)
The bachelor’s degree/Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) allows Drew students the opportunity to take up to four classes that count for both undergraduate and graduate requirements. The Teaching minor prepares students to enter the Master of Arts in Teaching program to become a certified public school teacher in New Jersey in either elementary K-6 or a content area (English, math, science, social studies, world language, art, music, business, health). Students are eligible to earn a second certification in either Special Education or English as a Second Language as part of 5th year programming.
course - Equity, Justice, and Education in the United States
course - The Developing Learner
course - Assessment in Education
course - Instructional Design
Eligibility and Application Criteria:
Current Drew undergraduate students: Interested students should register for EDUC 220.
After completion of EDUC 220, declare the Teaching minor.
Apply to the 5-year B-MAT program after meeting the state mandated basic skills requirement by contacting Office of Graduate Admissions (gradm@drew.edu).
If approved, the bachelor's/MAT advisor should submit a request to add the BA/MAT 5-Year (BMTF) attribute to the student's record.
Complete the MAT application by by November 1 of the senior year.
Drew undergraduates must meet the following criteria to solidify formal acceptance to the Master of Arts in Teaching:
Have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.
Earn a B or higher in all Teaching minor courses.
Meet Basic Skills requirements defined by the state of NJ.
Pass Praxis II Content Knowledge Test and any other state-required assessments.
Completed sufficient coursework to comply with state mandated content requirements for either secondary or elementary education teacher certification.
Pass a disposition assessment conducted by Drew Faculty.
Submit a personal statement and a diversity statement.
The Caspersen School of Graduate Studies reserves the right to deny admission to the MAT Program if a student fails to meet all prerequisites or if there are documented issues that raise concerns about a student’s professional dispositions for teaching. Students must meet all NJ Department of Education requirements for teaching certification, including citizenship, health, and security prerequisites.
Undergraduate Students who do not complete the Teaching minor:
Undergraduate students who do not apply to or complete the minor may be accepted by permission into the 500-level courses and may request to transfer them to the MAT program.
For more information on registering for coursework or on the program, contact the Director of the Master of Arts in Teaching program, Prof. Kristen Turner.
Eligibility and Application Criteria
Students with first and second year status should begin working toward a major in their chosen content area. In spring of sophomore year (or when transferring with junior status), interested students should apply to the BA/MAT concentration through the Office of Teacher Education. Students must have a 3.0 GPA and selected major that meets New Jersey state requirements for teaching certification in order to be admitted into the BA/MAT concentration.
Students in the BA/MAT concentration must meet the following criteria to be accepted to the MAT:
Passed Praxis I Core Test for Basic Skills or state-approved equivalent
Passed Praxis II Content Knowledge Test
Earned grades of “B” or better in all completed EDUC coursework
Earned an undergraduate cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0
Completed sufficient coursework to comply with requirements for either secondary or elementary education teacher certification (see below).
Submit two letters of recommendation from Drew Faculty.
Submit personal statement.
Applications must be submitted to the Office of Graduate Admissions (gradm@drew.edu) by February 1 of the senior year. At the point of completing a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree and moving completely into the Master of Arts program, Drew students are required to:
New Jersey State Coursework Requirements
At least 60 credits in the liberal arts or sciences are required for NJ State teacher certification.
To be eligible for NJ State secondary education teacher certification a student must complete at least 30 credits in the content area that he/she wants to specialize in, with at least 12 of those credits being upper level courses (typically 300 level or higher). Majors compatible with certification in social studies include anthropology, history, economics and political science.
It is highly recommended that those interested in elementary education certification select a major such as math, English, history or one of the natural sciences. For students with majors in all other areas it is recommended that a minor (or at least 15 credits) be completed in math, English, history or one of the natural sciences. If 15 credits are completed in one of these four academic focus areas, students can obtain a grade 5-8 teaching endorsement certification, which is desirable for employment purposes.
Drew’s Caspersen School of Graduate Studies reserves the right to deny admission to the MAT Program if a student fails to meet all prerequisites, or if there are documented issues that raise concerns about a student’s professional disposition for teaching. Students must meet all NJ Department of Education requirements for teaching certification, including citizenship, health, and security prerequisites.
For more information on registering for coursework or on the program, contact BA/MAT Coordinator, Maureen O’Sullivan.