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ESS - Environmental Studies and Sustainability Major

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Program Title

Env Studies & Sustainability

Program Type


Degree Designation


Program Description

Major effective prior to 2011

Modifications Made to Curriculum: Fall 2015, Fall 2018, Fall 2023, Fall 2024

Advanced Placement (AP) Examinations

A score of 4 or 5 on the AP Environmental Science exam exempts ESS majors and minors and ENV majors from ENV 150 - Great Challenges in Environmental Science.


Requirements for the Major (48 credits)

I. Core (16 credits)

Complete all of the following:

  • course - Great Challenges in Environmental Science

  • course - Principles of Physical Geology OR course - Ecology and Evolution

  • course - Environment, Society and Sustainability

  • course - Geographic Information Systems

II. Electives (28 credits)

Select 28 credits from the following, including at least 16 upper-level (300- or 400-level) credits:

  • course - Climate Change and Global Sustainability

  • course - Energy and Environment

  • course - Topics in Environmental Science

  • course - Agroecology

  • course - Advanced Environmental Science

  • course - Advanced GIS

  • course - Advanced Topics in Environmental Science

  • course - Research in Environmental Science

  • course - Indigenous Environments: Literature and Film

  • course - Environmental Writing and Eco-Criticism

  • course - Nature Writing

  • course - Graphic Lit and Environment

  • course - Environmental Security & Climate Change

  • course - Environmental History

  • course - Topics in Environmental Humanities

  • course - Topics: Environment & Society

  • course - Independent Study in Environmental Studies and Sustainability

  • course - Medical Geography

  • course - Environmental Justice Literature

  • course - Food, Justice, and U.S. Literature

  • course - Topics in Economics and the Environment

  • course - Archaeology and Sustainable Culture

  • course - Wildlife and Culture

  • course - Environmental Aesthetics

  • course/course - Sustainable Development and the United Nations

  • course - Advanced Topics in Environmental Humanities

  • course - Advanced Topics: Environment and Society

  • course - Immersive Research or Project

  • course - Specialized Honors I

  • course - Specialized Honors II

  • course - Ecological Anthropology

  • course - Primatology

  • course - Ecology and Evolution

  • course - Conservation Biology

  • course - Animal Behavior

  • course - Freshwater Ecology

  • course - Tropical Marine Ecology

  • course - Forest Ecology

  • course - Ornithology

  • course - Turning Green: An Introduction to Green Materials & Alternatives

  • course - Principles of Chemistry I

  • course - Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry

  • course - Advanced Analytical Chemistry

  • course - Environmental Chemistry

  • course - Environmental Economics

  • course - Economics of Business and Sustainability

  • course - U.S. Food Cultures

  • course - Environmental Policy and Politics

  • course - International Environmental Policy and Politics

  • course - Self, Place and the Environment in the Hispanic World

III. Experiential (0 credits)

Majors must acquire hands-on experience related to environmental concerns. This requirement may be met through relevant Academic Internships, Drew International Seminars, other study abroad programs with environmental or sustainability components, civic engagement and volunteer experiences, and appropriate independent research at Drew or elsewhere (excluding literature research projects). Must be completed before the start of the final semester; must be approved in advance by the ESS Program Director.

IV. Capstone (4 credits)

Complete all of the following:

  • course - Environmental Studies and Sustainability Capstone Seminar