CAT - Creative Arts & Technology
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Program Title
Program Type
Degree Designation
Program Description
Minor Effective: Fall 2024
The goal of the Creative Arts & Technology Minor is to offer hands-on opportunities for cross-disciplinary collaboration across the fields of art, design, and technology. The program prepares students to participate in a complex, highly mediated cultural landscape and considers issues related to ethics and sustainability while critically examining the impact of rapidly evolving technology on society.
Requirements for the Minor (20 credits)
Courses in the minor must be taken in at least three different subjects. Complete at least 12 credits at the intermediate or upper level.
I. Core (12 credits)
Complete the following:
And one of the following:
course - Introduction to Computer Science in JavaScript
course - Introduction to Computer Science in Python
course - Statistical Computing in R
course - Data Science: Introduction, History, and Case Studies
Note: One of the first three options is recommended for students who are interested in going deeper into programming, while course is recommended for students who are interested in being exposed to the power of programming.
II. Electives (8 credits)
Creative Expression
course - Photography I
course - Digital Video
course - Digital Animation
course - Digital 3D Modeling
course - Special Topics in Art
course - Documentary Practice
course - Systems and Contexts: Special Topics in Media, when topic is appropriate
course - Civic Media
course - Electronic Music Composition
Quantitative Analysis
course - Databases and Information Systems
course - Data Visualization
course - Geographic Information Systems
course - Text Mining Using Shiny and R
course - Visual Culture
course - History of Graphic Design
course - History of Photography
course - Early 20th-Century Art
course - Advanced Topics in Media & Communications
course - Theory of Knowledge