BIOL - Biology Major
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Program Description
Major effective prior to 2011
Modifications Made to Curriculum: Fall 2013, Fall 2015, Fall 2019, Fall 2023, Fall 2024
Begins with three active laboratory courses that allow students to actively explore the areas of Ecology, evolution, organismal diversity, Cell Biology and Molecular Biology. In addition to these three core courses, students also take two semesters of general chemistry and a semester of statistics, preferably in their first year. Beginning in their second year, students may begin to choose from a broad range of course offerings in accordance with their individual interests. Intermediate and upper level electives offer students the opportunity to explore many different areas of Biology, including Molecular Biology, Genetics, Microbiology, Neurobiology, Organismal Biology and Ecology. Additional work in Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics is often necessary and desirable for students planning to continue study in graduate or medical school.
Research Experiences and Internships
Research opportunities, including full access to extensive modern instrumentation, are available to students at all levels of experience. In-depth literature or laboratory research projects are mentored by Biology Faculty or by Fellows of the Research Institute for Scientists Emeriti (RISE). Interested students should consult with individual Faculty members or RISE scientists directly to discuss research plans before registering for research courses.
Additional opportunities for research experience include the Drew Summer Science Institute (DSSI), on and off-campus field courses, the college Academic Internship program, and summer research programs elsewhere.
Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) Examinations
Students who have earned a score of 5 or higher on the Higher Level (HL) IB exam will receive credit for course and course.
All students with scores of 4 or 5 on the AP biology exam or a score of 5 or above on the Standard Level (SL) IB biology exam can receive four credits toward the general education breadth requirements in science and need not take a test at Drew to receive these credits. However, students with AP or IB-SL listed above who wish to seek exemption from course or course must take a placement test at Drew. Students earning the exemption must still take weekly labs and should register for course (fall) or course (spring). Contact the biology department chair for more information.
Requirements for the Major (48 credits)
I. Required Courses (24 credits)
Complete all of the following:
course - Ecology and Evolution
course - Diversity of Life: Animals, Plants, and Microbes
course - Molecular and Cellular Biology
course - Principles of Chemistry I OR course - Principles of Chemistry I, Advanced Section
course - Principles of Chemistry II OR course - Principles of Chemistry II, Advanced Section
course - Introduction to Statistics
II. Intermediate and Upper Level Course work (24 credits)
Students must take an additional 24 credits at the intermediate or upper level from among the following. At least 14 credits must be at the upper level, and at least 3 courses must have labs.
The first four credits of independent laboratory or field research (course, course, course, course, course; course, course) can be counted as one lab course; additional credits are counted as non-lab electives. No more than 8 credits of independent research can count toward the major (course, BIOL300, course, course, course, course, course; course, course). No more than 2 credits of internship/ course can count towards the major, and a Biology faculty member must be the faculty evaluator.
Additional prerequisite courses may be required.
course - Environmental Science
course - Nutrition
course - Microbiology
course - Anatomy and Physiology I
course - Topics in Biology
course - Intermediate Independent Study in Biology: Laboratory/Field Research
course - ShortTrec: Intermediate Level
course - Independent Study in Biology
course - Conservation Biology
course - Evolutionary Genetics
course - Animal Behavior
course - Freshwater Ecology
course - Tropical Marine Ecology
course - Primatology
course - Forest Ecology
course – Field Ecology
course - Emerging Infectious Disease
course - Ornithology
course - Anatomy and Physiology II
course - Endocrinology
course - Systems Neurobiology
course - Immunology
course - Cell and Molecular Neurobiology
course - Diseases of the Brain
course - Molecular Biology of Cancer
course - Virology
course - Molecular Genetics
course - Topics in Biology
course - Seminar in Biology
course - Immersive Research/Creative Projects in Biology
course - Biology Capstone: Seminar
course - Biology Capstone: Literature Research
course - Biology Capstone: Laboratory and Field Research
course - Specialized Honors I
course - Specialized Honors II
course - Foundations in Biochemistry
course - Foundation in Biochemistry without Laboratory
course- Geographic Information Systems
course – Internship Project
course - Intermediate Independent Research: Laboratory/Field Research
course - Immersive Research/Creative Projects in Neuroscience
course - Epidemiology